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Mountain  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
我拭着回答以下你说的问题,不对的地方望朋友门更正.<br />1. 不一定要找LAWYER, 除非你有很复杂的合资,合作,技术入股等.但你应该注册一个公司.注册办公室在Corporation and Business Names Branch, 405 Broadway, 10th Floor, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3L6.&amp;nbsp; Tel: (204) 945-2500 or 1 888 246-8353. 注册公司名字,性质,给你个LICENSE, 可在税务局申请税号.如果买的商品不是END USER,而是原料,可以免税.<br />2.公司可以是无限或有限公司. 有限公司连带责任少.公司除了不能履行结婚等个人义务外,就是一个自然人.你只是负责管理这个公司. 有限公司和你的财产连带,责任无限.<br />3. 要是盘一个餐馆,商店,可以从COMFREE, 或MLS上找卖生意的广告.但要特别小心.要仔细考察环境,他往年的收入支出,纳税和什么原因要卖.<br />4与人合资可以用corporations, 各个人入股,当你注册时,办公室会给你你公司的原始股票,有董事长签发,当然一开始不能上市.<br />希望在兼职工作栏目讨论.希望除了LONDON DRUG, SOBEYS外,看到更多我们中国人开的企业.<br />

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天天  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
[分享]如何在加拿大注册公司<br /><br />企业登记管理<br /><br />企业登记管理的范围<br />企业登记管理的范围从整个加拿大来说,有以下企业组织形式,即独资企业、合伙企业、不区分无限责任公司或股份有限公司的股份公司、外国公司设立的分公司、合资经营。<br /><br />企业登记的主管机关<br />按照联邦《公司法》的要求而成立公司,必须向加拿大消费者和公司事务部的公司事务局申请注册。如按照各省《公司法》成立公司,则向各省注册机构,如金融和法人关系部办理登记注册手续。一般来说,大部分企业主要是在省登记注册管理机关登记注册。<br /><br />企业登记注册条件<br />企业登记注册一般要求具备的条件是:企业名称、注册资本、经营范围、经营方式等,也就是要具备类似我国企业登记所符合的条件。具体来说是:<br />1.公司名称<br />可以使用字母或数字作公司名称。使用字母作名称时,其名称不得与其他公司的名称相同,也不得与其他公司的名称相混淆,不得使用禁用的词;名称后必须加“有限”、“股份公司”等字样或其缩写。外国公司在加拿大的分公司可在名称加上“加拿大”以与其母公司相区别。<br />2.注册资本<br />加拿大一般不要求注册资本最低额。除金融公司外,无法定储蓄金要求。可用现金、财产出资,用现金认购股份的,其认购价值要由董事会确定。<br />3.经营范围与经营方式<br />企业的经营范围除毒品、枪械和电视、广播、金融、新闻出版、航空等之外,一般不作限制。经营方式一般也无限制。<br /><br />登记注册程序<br />1.选择公司名称,并向注册主管机关的命名部确认名称有效。<br />为了避免所选择的名称不适用,可提供两个名称选择,这项服务收费30加元。<br />2.发起人签署公司章程<br />章程包括公司名称、股份结构、董事、经营业务范围等要点。<br />3.填报申请表<br />注明公司的注册地址,董事的姓名、地址。<br />4.交纳注册费<br />注册费为各种文件、证明费用等。按联邦《公司法》成立公司与按各省的《公司法》成立公司,所交的注册费用是不相同的。联邦注册费为500加元,执照修改费为200加元,公司合并注册费为200加元,续展注册费为200加元。各省注册费各不相同,大约为联邦费用的一半。<br />

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Mountain  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
&quot;不区分无限责任公司或股份有限公司的股份公司&quot;是不是就是&quot;无限责任公司&quot;和有限公司的股份公司&quot;. 因为在注册时确实有LTD 和UNLIMITED之分.

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Mountain  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
上面这句话不好理解,我感觉&quot;不区分无限责任公司或股份有限公司的股份公司&quot;<br />可能是说&quot;非股份制的无限责任公司或股份制的有限责任公司&quot;。因为在政府网页上就列出了Proprietorship, Partnership or Incorporation 3种, 其中Proprietorship, Partnership 是责任无限的,而Incorporation是Limited liability.<br />下面是这3种公司的利弊:<br /><br />Advantages and Disadvantages of Proprietorship<br />This is the simplest way to set up a business. A sole proprietor is fully responsible for all debts and obligations related to his or her business. A creditor with a claim against a sole proprietor would normally have a right against all of his or her assets, whether business or personal. This is known as unlimited liability.<br /><br />In a proprietorship, one person performs all the functions required for the successful operation of the business. The proprietor secures the capital, establishes and operates the business, assumes all risks, accepts all profits and losses, and pays all taxes. The proprietor is said to be self-employed.<br /><br />Advantages&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;Disadvantages&amp;nbsp; <br />Low start-up costs<br /><br />Greatest freedom from regulation<br /><br />Owner in direct control of decision making<br /><br />Minimal working capital required<br /><br />Tax advantages to owner<br /><br />All profits to owner<br />&amp;nbsp; Unlimited liability<br /><br />Lack of continuity in&amp;nbsp; business organization&amp;nbsp; in absence of owner<br /><br />Difficulty in raising capital<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br />Advantages and Disadvantages of Partnership<br />A partnership is an agreement in which two or more persons combine their resources in a business with a view to making a profit. In order to establish the terms of the partnership and to protect partners in the event of a disagreement or dissolution of a partnership, a partnership agreement should be drawn up. Standard form partnership agreements can also be purchased for about $5.00 at stationary stores. Partners share in the profits according to the terms of the agreement.<br /><br />In a General Partnership, two or more owners share the management of a business, and each is personally liable for all the debts and obligations of the business. This means that each partner is responsible for, and must assume the consequences of, the actions of the other partner(s).<br /><br />A second type of partnership is a Limited Partnership which involves limited partners who combine only capital. They are not involved in managing the business and cannot be liable for more than the amount of capital they have contributed. This is known as limited liability.<br /><br />A limited partnership also involves general partners, who are involved in management. They are fully liable for the debts and obligations of the business, but may be entitled to a greater share of the profits.<br /><br />Advantages: <br />- Ease of formation<br /><br />- Low start-up costs<br /><br />- Additional sources<br />of investment capital<br /><br />- Possible tax advantages<br /><br />- Limited regulation<br /><br />- Broader management base<br /><br />Disadvantages:<br /><br />- Unlimited liability<br /><br />- Divided authority<br /><br />- Difficulty in raising<br />&amp;nbsp; additional capital<br /><br />- Hard to find suitable partners<br /><br />- Possible development of conflict<br />&amp;nbsp; between partners<br /><br />- Partners can legally bind each<br />&amp;nbsp; other without prior approval<br /><br />- Lack of continuity<br /><br />(Return to the top of this page)<br /><br />Advantages and Disadvantages of Incorporating<br />A corporation, also known as a Limited Company, is a legal entity which is separate and distinct from its members (shareholders). Each shareholder has limited liability. A creditor with a claim against the assets of the company would normally have no rights against its shareholders, although in certain circumstances shareholders may be held liable. It is recommended that legal advice be sought. This type of business can be incorporated at either the federal or provincial level.<br /><br />Ownership interests in a corporation are usually easily changed. Shares may be transferred without affecting the corporations existence or continued operation.<br /><br />The following characteristics distinguish it from a partnership or proprietorship:<br /><br />Limited liability - normally no member can be held personally liable for the debts, obligations or acts of the corporation beyond the amount of share capital the members has subscribed; and<br /><br />erpetual succession - because the corporation is a separate legal entity, its existence does not depend on the continued membership of any of its members.<br /><br />Advantages <br />- Limited liability<br /><br />- Possible tax advantage<br />&amp;nbsp; (if you qualify for a<br />&amp;nbsp; small business tax rate)<br /><br />- Specialized management<br /><br />- Ownership is transferable<br /><br />- Continuous existence<br /><br />- Separate legal entity<br /><br />- Easier to raise capital<br /><br />Disadvantages<br /><br />- Closely regulated<br /><br />- Most expensive form to organize<br /><br />- Charter restrictions<br /><br />- Extensive record keeping necessary<br /><br />- Double taxation of dividends<br /><br />- Shareholders may be held legally<br />&amp;nbsp; responsible in certain circumstances<br /><br />- Personal guarantees undermine<br />&amp;nbsp; limited liability advantage<br /><br /><br />

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就是一枪  管理员  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层

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Mountain  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层

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就是一枪  管理员  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层

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Mountain  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层

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首先是如果想做生意的话是通过什么渠道找到的这些项目?比如要盘一个便利店或餐馆.如果要跟人合资的话是不是要找LAWER?有身份的情况下是不是不像留学生那么麻烦呢?<br />自己想投资点小生意可有无门路可找,如果大家知道什么项目和店面可以告知小弟.可以给小弟留言或发信到我的信箱michael_chen0403@hotmail.com.先谢谢大家了!!!

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