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guide  曼省新人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
Shut up 南纬0度. This is Canada and free country. People have freedom to choose their life style. You should not use your thinking to divide people in good and garbage. You think others are garbage. What are you?<br /><br />You said&quot;有个阿姨都40好几,儿子都十几岁了,还又生了。生那么多还不就是图那政府的几个牛奶金么?&quot; What&quot;s wrong with that? If you can, just do it! In Canada you can get many kids you want. Taxpayer do not worry, what do you worry for?<br />

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南纬0度  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
你是不是病的?<br /><br />我发帖的时候说明了是转贴。<br />我没有加以任何评价,既没有说对,也没有说不对。你这么激动干什么?<br />文章是转过来的,转文章的目的就是为了让人了解。<br />了解什么?了解各种各样的人对各种问题的看法和理解。<br />你要这么不舒服,就说你不赞同不理解好了。<br />为了转贴的一句话针对一个人,是不是你自己有什么问题啊?<br /><br />难道说你自己生了几个孩子觉得自己是真的在图钱,那就是此地无X300两。<br />尤其是看不惯你这种想敲几个中文字还要用复制,剩下的还得靠英文的人。<br /><br />

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南纬0度  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
楼上的你狠。<br />本不想理你,没想到你要开新贴开骂。<br />那我就陪你!

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王逍遥  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵 大家冷静些 <br /><br />吵可以 很欢迎(这样才有讨论的气氛嘛) 但是不要骂起来哦~

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guide  曼省新人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
Hi,<br /><br />Did I use any rude word in my statement. No, I did not.<br /><br />You are a so rude person. You said &quot; are you sick?&quot;. Do you know the &quot;sick&quot; meaning? If you say this word in Canada, you may lead to a lawsuit. You are better change youself.<br /><br />I am not &quot;sick&quot;. I anger with those discrimination word in that article.<br /><br />you said the article does not write by you.  you just copy it.  you copy it that mean you agree with it. If this article put in Winnipeg free press, people would challenge the editor not the writer.<br /><br />Do you know in Canada have discrimination law and private law. You&#039;r better to read them.<br /><br />New immigrants came to a new country.  Most of them are very hard in the first of time. They need help and understanding not tease. <br /><br />You may be a successful person or very rich person from China but that do not mean you have right to tease others.<br /><br />I am very happy with my kids, My family pay taxes every year for more than $100,000 dollars. I feel very good. Because we payback more than what we got before.<br /><br />My Chinese may better than you, Because I was a writer.<br /><br />you have to say sorry.

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meihuanggui  贵宾  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层

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mct  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
RE: Did I use any rude word in my statement. No, I did not.<br /><br />Yes, you did! 你的题目在英语中好象不是很文雅。<br /><br /><br />Re: You are a so rude person. You said &quot; are you sick?&quot;. Do you know the &quot;sick&quot; meaning? If you say this word in Canada, you may lead to a lawsuit. <br /><br />我不认为如果你说“You made me sick” 就会被揪上法庭,别人让你恶心是你的事,与别人无关,更与法律无关。还有,&quot;rude person&quot; 和&quot;rude word&quot;是不同的概念。我们不应该随便把别人定性。<br /><br />Re:you said the article does not write by you, that you just copy it. you copy it that mean you agree with it. If this article put in Winnipeg free press, people would challenge the editor not the writer.<br /><br />如果这篇文章发表在“温尼泊自由报”上,就会象其它文章一样,总有人持不同意见,但我不相信有人会“Challenge”编辑,媒体就是要给人自由讲话,而不是判断谁对谁错。如果一位编辑根据自己的喜好让人“shut up” ,那他就丧失了起码的职业道德和专业伦理。<br /><br />Re:Do you know in Canada have discrimination law and private law. You better read them. <br /><br />据我所知,在加拿大,没有专门的“歧视法”,但是有至高的人权法,那就是,每个人都有权利得到平等和尊重,不能因为他的性别,年龄,种族,信仰,政治观念,性取向等等在社会的各个方面受到歧视,也不能因为自己的观点不同而被“Shut up”。<br /><br />Re:New immigrants came to new country. Most of them are very hard in the first of time. They need help and understanding not tease. <br /><br />我很同意这句话。大家都应该互相帮助,理解。理解意味着接纳不同,容忍不同,与不同意见的人和睦相处,而不是“顺我者昌,逆我者亡”,这是人权的最高标准。世界上多少争斗都是因为听不得自己不爱听的声音。<br /><br />I am very happy with my kids, My family pay taxes every year for more than $100,000 dollars. I feel very good. Because we payback more than what we got before. <br /><br />缴税是公民的义务和责任,不是壮举,也不是还债。你的最后一句话我不敢苟同。我们从这里收到的一切,用钱怎么能够“payback”?<br /><br />最后,曾有人对言论自由有个精辟的定义:我不赞成你的观点,但我维护你说话的权利。这是我在加拿大学到的一门无价的功课,她让我受益无穷。<br /><br />现在请你让我shut up吧!

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guide  曼省新人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
Hi, <br /><br />lease go to WWW.gov.mb.ca/hrc.  read those code.

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Amethyst  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
geesh, i thought i was extreme...

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SsSs  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
竟然有一句中文不说的人说自己是中文作家。可笑。<br />那你说几句中文来证实一下看看?<br />据我所知,南纬曾是10万字檄文的作者。。。。 轻易都不敢骂他...guide算是头个了。。<br /><br />看热闹。。

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