我是一名安省刚毕业的学生,已经拿了3年PGWP,打算走MPNP里的A类,但是我再官网上面http://www.immigratemanitoba.com/how-to-immigrate/assessment/ 看见最下面写着Applicants who meet all criteria may be refused based solely on their connection to another Canadian province. (Ex: You have family who live in a city outside Manitoba, you’ve lived, worked or studied or are currently working or studying in a different Canadian province.) % j2 \- j1 h) a; _6 ]3 ] 8 r( U y9 q- x6 A) D, ]这个是不是就代表从外省来的工作的申请MPNP机会就很渺茫了?有什么曼省的中介可以推荐码?去曼省的话哪个城市比较发达好找工作?谢谢!