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AGP will deliver a peak bandwidth that is 4 times higher than the PCI bus using pipelining, sideband addressing, and more data transfers per clock.
It will also enable graphic cards to execute texture maps directly from system memory instead of forcing it to pre-load the texture data to the graphics card's local memory.

Features that set AGP apart from PCI

Probably the most important feature of AGP is DIME (direct memory execute). This gives AGP chips the capability to access main memory directly for the complex operations of texture mapping.
AGP provides the graphics card with two methods of directly accessing texture maps in system memory: pipelining and sideband addressing.
AGP makes multiple requests for data during a bus or memory access, while PCI makes one request, and does not make another until the data it requested has been transferred.
AGP doesn't share bandwidth with other devices, whereas the PCI bus does share bandwidth.
1 .Pipelined Requests Non-pipelined
2 .Address/Data de-multiplexed Address/Data multiplexed
3 .Peak at 533 MB/s in32 bits Peak at 133 MB/s in 32 bits
4 .Single target, single master Multi target, multi master
5 .Memory read/write only No other input/output operations Link to entire system
6 .High/low priority queues No priority queues

What does all this mean?
  DIME short for Direct Memory Execute, DIME allows for video card to use some of the main memory for texture memory with 3D graphics.  Usually video cards have 4 MB of RAM, some have 8 MB of RAM, but DIME allows for 12, 16, or even more memory to be used by allocating some of the main system memory.
Pipelining As you should know from reading Hennessy and Patterson's 'great' Computer Architecture book, pipelining is an implementation technique whereby multiple instructions are overlapped in execution.  A pipeline is just like an assembly line.  There are various different steps (pipe stage or pipe segments) that contribute to the end result.  Each of these steps are done in parallel.  The opposite of a pipelined architecture is a sequential architecture, in which steps are completed sequentially or one after another, not in parallel.
addressing the AGP bus uses sideband signals to send addressing information separately from data.  This technique allows addresss informaton to be presented to the bus concurrent with a data transaction.  The result is a more efficient use of the AGP bus for data transfers.  With sideband addressing, AGP utilized 8 extra "sideband lines" which allow the graphics controller to issue new addresses and requests simulataneously while data continues to move from previous requests on the main 32 data/address wires.
Bandwidth the amount of data a network can transport in a certain period of time - it is the capacity for the rate of transfer, which is usually expressed in bits per second.

FIC KL-6011

[ 本帖最后由 秋叶冬雪 于 12-11 07:54 编辑 ]

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秋叶冬雪  曼省名人  发表于 2006-12-11 08:52:09 | 显示全部楼层

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brave  曼省名人  发表于 2006-12-11 12:20:52 | 显示全部楼层
over all. 此ID作废.

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monday0525  曼省名人  发表于 2006-12-13 21:06:03 | 显示全部楼层
PCI-E X16的宽带比AGP多好几倍(具体数字忘了,好象是16倍).我想二楼应该弄错了,别人说的不是PCI,而是PCI-E X16.PCI-E有X1,X4,X8,X16.其中X8跟X16外形是一样的.X1最短,宽带跟AGP一样.X4好象只出现在ASUS的板上.
现在只出过X1跟X16的显卡,除了PCI-E X16的显卡外,别的普及率几乎是零.

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新西方  游客  发表于 2006-12-16 14:54:47 | 显示全部楼层

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秋叶冬雪  曼省名人  发表于 2006-12-16 16:00:13 | 显示全部楼层
 PCI插槽是基于PCI局部总线(Pedpherd Component Interconnect,周边元件扩展接口)的扩展插槽,其颜色一般为乳白色,位于主板上AGP插槽的下方,ISA插槽的上方。其位宽为32位或64位,工作频率为33MHz,最大数据传输率为133MB/sec(32位)和266MB/sec(64位)。可插接显卡、声卡、网卡、内置Modem、内置ADSL Modem、USB2.0卡、IEEE1394卡、IDE接口卡、RAID卡、电视卡、视频采集卡以及其它种类繁多的扩展卡。PCI插槽是主板的主要扩展插槽,通过插接不同的扩展卡可以获得目前电脑能实现的几乎所有外接功能。A
  AGP是Accelerated Graphics Port(图形加速端口)的缩写,是显示卡的专用扩展插槽,它是在PCI图形接口的基础上发展而来的。AGP规范是英特尔公司解决电脑处理(主要是显示)3D图形能力差的问题而出台的。AGP并不是一种总线,而是一种接口方式。随着3D游戏做得越来越复杂,使用了大量的3D特效和纹理,使原来传输速率为133MB/sec的PCI总线越来越不堪重负,籍此原因Intel才推出了拥有高带宽的AGP接口。这是一种与PCI总线迥然不同的图形接口,它完全独立于PCI总线之外,直接把显卡与主板控制芯片联在一起,使得3D图形数据省略了越过PCI总线的过程,从而很好地解决了低带宽PCI接口造成的系统瓶颈问题。

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