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The wellspring is China’s almost limitless pool of young musicians, a mounting number driven by increasing prosperity and nurtured by Chinese society’s desire to compete with the West.

Their arrival is felt especially in Europe, but the rising star Xian Zhang, 33, was recently named associate conductor of the New York Philharmonic.(求解:What is “but” doing here? Aren’t these two parts of this sentence talking about the same phenomenon that Chinese conductors are bewared gradually in the recent years?)


http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/0 ... .html?th&emc=th
With stunning swiftness China’s surging ranks of classical musicians have found a home in Western concert halls, conservatories and opera houses, jolting a musical tradition born in the courts and churches of Europe.

The phenomenon, which has been building for at least a decade, has gathered steam in the last few years, injecting new vitality into the American classical music scene after historic influxes of …

But many Western musicians and educators interviewed cited similar qualities in Chinese virtuosos: passion and refinement, expressiveness and brilliance.

Along with Lang Lang and another highly praised Chinese pianist, Yundi Li, also 24, a new crop of stars in their teens or barely out of them are on the way up.

Chinese musicians have now joined them in force and are winning high-profile positions.

Their arrival is felt especially in Europe, but the rising star Xian Zhang, 33, was recently named associate conductor of the New York Philharmonic.(求解:What is “but” doing here? Aren’t these two parts of this sentence talking about the same phenomenon that Chinese conductors are bewared gradually in the recent years?)

It is in the elite Western conservatories that the presence of Chinese is perhaps most significant for the future.

The wellspring is China’s almost limitless pool of young musicians, a mounting number driven by increasing prosperity and nurtured by Chinese society’s desire to compete with the West. (求翻译。这句读着非常别扭啊~)

“One goes where the talent is,”

“There’s bound to be friction.”

But the will to overcome such difficulties among many families of musical Chinese children points at what the future may hold for classical music.

Vocabulary: jolt vitality cite >in force< >elite conservatory< bonanza friction tremendous

[ 本帖最后由 Robin 于 4-5 01:49 编辑 ]

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天使宝宝  曼省名人  发表于 2007-4-9 20:40:36 | 显示全部楼层
与惊人快速性中国的古典音乐家涌起的等级发现了一个家在西部音乐厅里, 音乐学院和歌剧院, 颠簸音乐传统被负担在欧洲法院和教会。 现象, 是大厦至少十年, 会集了蒸汽在过去几年内, 注射新生命力入美国古典音乐场面在历史的汇集以后... 但许多西部音乐家和教育家采访了被援引的相似的质量在中国艺术鉴赏家: 激情和提炼、表现力和光华。 与Lang 一起Lang 和另高度称赞了中国钢琴演奏家, Yundi 李, 还24, 星一片新庄稼在他们的十几岁之内或在他们外面几乎没有是在途中。 中国音乐家加入了他们生效和现在赢取惹人注目的位置。 他们的到来感觉特别是在欧洲, 但上升的星县张, 33, 最近被命名了同事指挥是纽约Philharmonic.????What \"但\" 做这里吗? 这两这个句子的部份不谈论同样现象, 中国指挥逐渐当心在最近岁月?? 是在[s:102]西部音乐学院里, 汉语存在是或许最重大的为将来。 泉源是年轻音乐家中国的几乎不可限量的群, 架置数字被增加驾驶繁荣和被哺育由Chinese 社会的欲望与西方(?????????????~) 竞争 \"你是天分是的地方,\" \"那里一定是摩擦。\" 但意愿克服这样困难在音乐中国孩子之中许多家庭指向什么未来也许举行为古典音乐。 词汇量: 颠簸生命力援引生效[s:102]音乐学院.

应该是这个意思 !

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constantine  曼省名人  发表于 2007-4-9 20:53:53 | 显示全部楼层
会集了蒸汽在过去几年内, 注射新生命力入美国古典音乐场面在历史的汇集以后

政府是以垄断暴力来牟利的人的组织,是生活的成本,可以想象的理想世界是准许人民带着财产自由离境的国家竞争秩序。 纳税人无主权也无治权:羊毛出在羊身上却不属于羊。政府财税政策权属主权人,是治权人事务。 自由派削党国之权;民主派夺党国之权。 Freedom is not free

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Robin  曼省名人  发表于 2007-5-15 04:20:25 | 显示全部楼层

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夏日梦幻曲  曼省名人  发表于 2007-5-26 04:45:20 | 显示全部楼层

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没有没有  曼省名人  发表于 2007-5-26 10:38:45 | 显示全部楼层
Their arrival is felt especially in Europe, but the rising star Xian Zhang, 33, was recently named associate conductor of the New York Philharmonic.


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没有没有  曼省名人  发表于 2007-5-26 10:59:42 | 显示全部楼层
The wellspring is China’s almost limitless pool of young musicians, a mounting number driven by increasing prosperity and nurtured by Chinese society’s desire to compete with the West.

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Robin  曼省名人  发表于 2007-5-27 04:31:04 | 显示全部楼层

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