The Government wishes to celebrate "Asian Heritage Month". This Sunday, June 10 at 5:00 PM at Knox United Church at the corner of 18th St. & Victoria Ave., you are invited to a free meal and video sponsored by the Canadian Government. You and any Asian friends and families are encouraged to attend.
Please let us know by Friday so we can let the Chinese Cheff know
how much food to prepare.
加拿大政府为庆祝“亚洲传统月”, 在这个星期日,6月10日下午5:00在 Knox United Church (at the corner of 18th St. & Victoria Ave.)举行庆祝活动。我们诚挚的邀请您和您的家人及亚洲朋友们来享用免费餐,同时还有拿大政府提供的宣传影片. 为了让中国厨师知道需要准备多少食品. 请在周五来电或来信通知我们:David & Anne Eaton电话: 728-8022或电子邮件