看QUICKTAX上面说要学校出具 T2202, T2202A, or TL11 slip ,不知道大家知道这方面的信息吗,摘录如下:$ [# D& y! o9 _1 c' W" O
; s) y9 a5 _9 n' e
" d7 w: c9 K! Z" B7 T Education amount * Y7 u+ A2 a3 m
5 `) V# O+ b# k0 }5 {- I
) c: B& d2 l% E* k- tFor every month that you took courses at a qualifying educational institution, you can claim the education amount. The institution must have issued you a T2202, T2202A, or TL11 slip to confirm the period in which you were enrolled in a qualifying program. If the institution is not able to provide you with one of these slips, you generally cannot claim the education amount. 0 I: X" J: E- q+ t+ `- P
/ d; g! k+ ^2 `4 S
9 z& A, e3 |- i. G
If you were enrolled in 2 different programs in a month, you can still only count that month once. - r: i. C* k6 s% ?) [
% y: ~* _( o K$ p3 x* a% E. \- k! c
8 q9 x4 T7 G7 i, Y, sIf you were enrolled full-time, the education amount is $400 per month. If you were enrolled part-time, the amount is $120 per month. [0 X v6 r& C5 ]' [
! G S1 |5 b' G: G' ?# A2 _& l$ F
( h$ k( o. b( L. ~; j. M, e# _, HClick the Help button in the upper-right of the screen if you were under 16 years old, or if you attended part-time because of an impairment. |