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就是一枪  管理员  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层

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天天  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层

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你可以报名把你做的一些东西去展览,试试生意怎么样.<br /><br />多元文化交流展览会: The Culture Expo<br /><br />时间: 六月11日, 11am - 4pm<br /><br />地点: Ecole Lavallee 511 St. Anne&#039;s Rd. <br /><br />如果大家有兴趣可以参加这个展览会,也可以把自己拿手的东西或者产品拿去卖,即可以交流经验也可以赚些钱,一举两得,想尝试着做些生意的可以从这里做为一个开始. 如果有兴趣请仔细阅读下面的条款关于什么物品可以或着不可以在买卖,注册报名表和联系方式.<br />This forum will allow newcomers to sell the talents (crafts, sewing, pottery, foods, etc.) they bring back from their home country and assess whether or not a business is something they would be interested in.&amp;nbsp; We are now recruiting participants for our event.&amp;nbsp; Please pass along the registration package to interested individuals and/or organizations.&amp;nbsp; Registrations (see below) will be accepted on a first come first serve basis as tables are limited. Deadline for registrations is May 31, 2006. <br /><br />artners of this project include :&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;Raymond Simard, MP for Liberal Party,&amp;nbsp;Nancy Allan, MLA St. Vital, Victor Mager Job Reentry, SEED Winnipeg, Youville Centre, Marlene Street Resource Centre, YMCA-YWCA, Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council/Welcome Place, Teen Stop Jeunesse Centre 24/7<br /><br />We will be circulating posters shortly that will advertise the event.&amp;nbsp; If anyone is interested or has any questions, please do not hesitate to call me.&amp;nbsp; I can be reached at 255-4840.&amp;nbsp; Thanks, Sophia Ali, Community Development Officer, Youville Centre<br /><br /> <br />REGISTRATION FORM<br /><br /> <br />NAME:__________________________________________________________<br /><br /> <br /><br />ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________<br /><br /> <br />HONE:________________________________________________________________<br /><br /> <br />WHAT WILL YOU BE SELLING? (please check)<br /><br />OTTERY___, PAINTINGS___, CLOTHING___, CRAFTS___, BAKED GOODS___, OTHER _______<br /><br /> <br />GUIDELINES<br /> <br />You will be responsible for your own table, setting up and taking everything down. You will manage your own money and will need to provide appropriate change when necessary.If you are selling foods, you must sell own what is listed on the attached sheet. If you are selling foods, you must have the ingredients listed on the table so people can see when they are buying it.You are responsible for your own negotiations when selling items.<br /><br />I, _______________________________________________, have read , understood and will abide by the guidelines above. ___________________________________________ (Date)&amp;nbsp; ______________________________________________(Signature)<br /><br /> <br />lease return registration forms to<br /><br />Sophia Ali<br />Youville Centre,<br />6-845 Dakota St.<br />Winnipeg, MB R2M 5M3<br />hone: 255-4840<br />Fax: 255-4903<br />Email: sali@youville.ca<br /><br />Deadline: May 31, 2006<br /><br />Examples of Foods which CAN be Prepared and Sold at a Temporary Food Market:<br /><br />Bread,Brownies,Buns,Butter Tarts,Cakes e.g. - carrot cake, etc. with sugar icing (no whipped cream or synthetic cream (whipped topping products).<br />Cereal Products,Cinnamon Buns,Cookies,Dried Fruit,Dry Rice,Flaked Pastry with Fruit Fillings,Fruit,Fruit Rollups,Fruit-filled Pies,Fruit-filled Tarts,Fudge,<br />Hard Candy,Honey Hot Cross Buns,Jam,Jelly,Juice (fruit or vegetable),Matrimonial Cake,Muffins,Noodles (Dry Only),Peanut Brittle,Pickles with a pH of 4.6 or lower (vinegar-based),Popcorn,Preserves (fruit soaked with sugar),Pumpkin Seeds,Relish - with a pH of 4.6 or lower (vinegar-based),Rice Crispie Cake,Spices,Sunflower Seeds,Syrup<br />Toffee,Vegetable,Wine Vinegar,And other non-potentially hazardous food products approved by a Public Health Inspector.<br /><br />Examples of Foods which CANNOT be Prepared and Offered for Sale (unless from an Approved Source) at a Temporary Food Market:<br /><br />Cabbage Rolls,Chocolate (unless used as an ingredient that has undergone a cooking process above 71oC (160oF) e.g. fudge,chocolate chip cookies, etc.)<br />Dairy Products,Fish,Garlic Spreads,Whipped Butter,Pumpkin Pie,Lemon Pie with Meringue (egg product),Perogies,Meat or Meat Products, any potentially hazardous item which has not been prepared at an approved food handling establishment,Ungraded Eggs

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