男声:『You are going home with or without yourluggage』(无论带不带行李你都要回去)
女声提高声调改用英文:『 Speak English please. If you cannot speak English, youare not going to be able to stay here』(讲英文,如果你不讲英文,你不能留下来)
男声愤怒地说:『You are in my fucking custody. Do you understand what in mycustody means? Do you understand? It means I will forcibly removeyou』(你在我监管之下。你知道监管什么意思吗?就是我可以强行撵走你)……
女声:『You don"t go with us, you go to jail』(不跟我们走,就送你去坐牢)……