中国工信部下文件要求自7月1日还是所有在中国制造销售的计算机都要安装绿坝过滤软件。但是这款价值4700万的软件却被美国的密支根大学研究人员分析,指出有很多技术缺陷和漏洞。同时,根据分析,这款软件还涉嫌盗取美国加州 SOLID OAK 公司的软件代码。面对网上的分析和指控,绿坝公司先是否认指控,认为是美国公司利用机会进行自我炒作。但是今天的英文《计算机杂志》网站刊登了最新的消息:绿坝公司认为返汇编绿坝软件并且公开发布出来是违法的,绿坝计划起诉来自密支根大学的分析报告的撰稿人。根据SOLID OAK 公司总裁的分析,绿坝软件里面除了包括一些和他公司软件相同的关键字库文件之外,竟然还保留了自己公司以前的新闻简报,绿坝还要到折价美国公司的服务器进行更新,也包含了美国公司产品的序列号。这些都是确凿的侵权盗用的证据。针对这些指控,绿坝避重就轻,以身心疲惫为理由拒绝回答,现在竟然采取恶人先告状的方式,威胁起诉揭露他们侵权行为的技术分析人员。不过,我个人认为绿坝的这位总裁其实是心知肚明,他只是不得不采取貌似强硬的态度来应对媒体而已。你就是借给他一个胆子,估计他也不讳起诉的。因为他知道一旦面对法庭,特别是要在美国起诉的话,他就不得不面对软件的侵权的指控。这样的家丑,在国内可以和谐掉,怎么可以拿到有成分言论自由的美国去外扬呢?更何况4700万的项目有没有利益输送和腐败,所过滤的敏感词会不会在法庭上被要求公布。这些问题都不是这个幸运地捡到从天上掉下来的大馅饼的小公司的总裁可以决定了的。这位张总裁,好像有在美国的学习工作经验,美国有不少先进的东西他已经学到手,更有一些他提前享受到的国人还没有的东西。但是他却把学到手的技术用在限制国人享受他已经享受到的东西,并且具有中国特色地得到了政府部门的红头文件,看来,这位张总裁还学到很多他在美国永远也学不到的东西。美国公司也扬言要采取法律手段阻止绿坝的继续使用;绿坝也计划要起诉软件的技术分析人员。看来这场好戏才刚刚开始。我们网民难得有这样的机会,既可以免费得到4700万的软件,也可以免费欣赏精彩的跨国演出,那我们就尽情享受,看看谁可以笑到最后。附: 计算机杂志的英文报道:http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2348720,00.asp'Green Dam' Developer Threatens Suit06.15.09By Mark HachmanOneof the Chinese developers of the "Green Dam" filtering software pledgedto patch the software's vulnerabilities, while intimating that he maytake legal action against the authors of a U.S. report that discoveredthem. Green Damis designed by Jinhui Computer System Engineering Co, according to TheChina Daily, which reported that China's Ministry of Industry andInformation Technology ordered the updates. Lastweek, a University of Michigan study disclosed the vulnerabilities inGreen Dam, also noting the researchers' suspicions that it containedcode from Solid Oak Software, the developer of the CyberSitterfiltering program. The chief executive of Solid Oak confirmed thereport, also raising the possibility that it could sue OEMs whoinstalled the Green Dam software for sale in China.Butthe The China Daily quoted Zhang Chenmin, the general manager ofJinhui, as claiming that co-developer Beijing Dazheng Human LanguageTechnology Academy Co provided the blacklist terms. Solid Oak chiefexecutive Brian Milburn said last week that Green Dam's filtering termslooked very similar to its own, and that the URLs used to update theterms were the ones CyberSitter used."Icannot deny that the two filters' databases of blacklisted URLaddresses might share similarities. After all, they are all well knowninternational pornographic websites that all porn-filters are meant toblock," Zhang told The China Daily. "But we didn't steal theirprogramming code."Zhangtold the paper that it was illegal to deconstruct the Green Damsoftware and post the details on the Internet, and that the companyplanned to sue the authors of the report, which include J. AlexHalderman, an assistant professor of electrical engineering at theUniversity of Michigan. |