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2010年6月26日 加拿大联邦移民新政

7350 117
Government of Canada will welcome more economic immigrants in 2010
5 Z, Z$ {/ f4 {
' P. u4 \, e2 _* F7 S
( R1 g; k2 a: U' c$ q* @Toronto, June 26, 2010 — Canada is adjusting its 2010 immigration plan to put even greater emphasis on economic recovery and further reduce the federal skilled worker backlog, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney told a news conference today., l" X0 ~, h3 w; \5 x! E- d

/ x+ r6 h; v( Y9 O" T% t“When I met with my provincial colleagues last week, they all stressed the importance of economic immigration,” Minister Kenney said. “As we recover from the recession, increasing economic immigration will help ensure employers have the workers they need to supplement our domestic labour supply.”) b2 V* W7 ~4 v& l3 v0 S; s8 a( Q( ~

" I3 ?) e& n; m2 w( N; JEach year, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) sets out a plan for the number of immigrants it intends to welcome within economic, family and humanitarian immigration categories. The planned range for 2010 is 240,000 – 265,000 immigrants. CIC generally achieves the midpoint of this range. In 2010, CIC anticipates achieving the upper end of this range, allowing Canada to welcome more immigrants in the economic category than originally planned. This includes federal skilled workers and record-level numbers of provincial nominees, without reducing the number in the family or humanitarian immigration categories.
* ^) x8 v: \( t
* R+ F3 ~. W$ z3 U5 E% BMinister Kenney noted that some of his provincial colleagues expect the need will grow further in the years ahead. “This is something we will need to take into consideration when we consult more broadly on plans for future years,” he said.% x+ U( `1 M- O
9 L* {# k3 C; a
Even with higher numbers of economic immigrants, Canada still receives many more applications than can be processed in a timely way. As a result, the department is limiting the number of new applications it will consider in the federal skilled worker category every year.
) @2 C2 }- `) n" [7 B' e7 c7 o; J. p& j
“Canada will continue to welcome historically high numbers of immigrants, but we need to manage the number of new applications or risk creating new backlogs and longer processing times,” Minister Kenney said. “We have more than enough applications on hand now to fill many of our needs, and we want to be fair to those people who have been waiting the longest.”
; _! F% e0 Q1 M. |$ |3 w5 u# |7 }9 S  f
Effective immediately, to be eligible to apply as a federal skilled worker, applicants must either have a job offer, or they must have experience in one of 29 in-demand occupations. These occupations were identified through analysis of updated labour market information and consultations with provinces, territories, stakeholders and the public.8 ]8 Q& K: R9 u$ s7 x; E1 |' F, a

$ c4 r3 I5 u9 R# i6 u  b* KFor those applying under the occupation list, the government will limit the number of applications considered for processing to 20,000 per year as a way to better manage the supply of applications with labour market demand. Within the 20,000 limit, a maximum of 1,000 applications per occupation will be considered. The limit does not apply to applicants with a job offer.
/ u, s( r2 I( b* Z$ `$ L
  N: s% X. R' E  S2 _# XIn addition, all federal skilled worker and Canadian Experience Class applicants must submit the results of an independent language test before they will be considered.
$ Q0 C& _- K' z# _0 T) N: s2 k! I7 |
  M- d4 L6 P/ S" Y- U* t3 wOther than the language test result requirement, these changes apply only to the federal skilled worker immigration category. The authority for the changes, known as ministerial instructions, comes from amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act approved by Parliament in 2008 as part of the Action Plan for Faster Immigration.  ]* G2 [# |* X
+ F" A6 {% I7 ?8 M5 C0 z& D5 U
The instructions are meant as a flexible tool to allow the government to keep the intake of applications for economic immigration in line with the number and types of jobs available in Canada, as well as reduce application backlogs and processing times.
  }$ L; \9 E9 F; D" t
2 ?7 p9 x  r  U) K& BSince the first instructions were issued in November 2008, the backlog of federal skilled worker applicants in process prior to the legislation has dropped from 640,000 to 380,000. The majority of decisions on new applications are being made in six to 12 months, compared with up to six years prior to the changes. But in the first quarter of 2010, the number of new applications rose significantly beyond the department’s ability to process them in a timely way, leading to the recognition that a more refined approach is necessary.9 D- f# {, r& I. d
* f3 u& r4 n% U, R% I
“These changes bring Canada in line with the practices of the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, our main competitors for skilled immigrants,” said Minister Kenney. “They help match the supply of applicants to our processing capacity and today’s post-recession job market needs. This is the only responsible way to manage our immigration system.”
  N! f) K6 B( Z0 d) o. a: G% C1 n* k- u2 ^5 h
The Government is also proposing new eligibility criteria for the immigrant investor program so it makes an even greater contribution to the Canadian economy. Proposed regulatory changes will require new investors to have a personal net worth of $1.6M, up from $800,000, and make an investment of $800,000, up from $400,000. These proposals were pre-published today in the Canada Gazette for a 30-day public comment period.
& I9 L/ Y( \, A) U6 t. r* P+ r' {: A
Canada’s current criteria for investors are the lowest in the world, and have not been changed since 1999. As a result the program draws a larger number of applicants than can be admitted every year under the immigration plan, and processing times are increasing.0 Q- `9 E0 Z# i4 \
' z% H5 w6 i) p7 p8 x0 i
Until the changes are finalized, the Government will stop accepting new investor applications to prevent a flood of applications before the new criteria take effect, which would stretch processing times even further. When the new criteria are in place, new applications will be processed alongside the old ones. In this way, Canada can begin to realize the benefits of the changes immediately.2 c; D+ B" b4 ?0 x! T7 G

7 r" D; y! {5 g9 `) @* E“Canada needs investor immigrants,” said Minister Kenney. “These changes are necessary to keep Canada’s program competitive with that of other countries, and keep pace with the changing economy.”
* S! s; t' h0 P2 C4 h4 z) ^( w) \) K" ]0 S
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  k; x) n  {8 ]2 w$ X" K2 m9 W3 V: I4 z) e
For further information (media only), please contact:7 e6 U' C  u) N0 @* l  }

' m7 e6 f! K5 Z) ^0 VCelyeste Power
1 G4 _: M! l& u0 D5 h, L, xMinister’s Office- D% A) z. p3 o' F/ R0 w
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
: R/ Y) l7 h- _0 m, z/ P2 [Celyeste.Power@cic.gc.ca
. I5 |& x& Y% w( Q. @' S& [; G. [0 N- U5 |
Media Relations9 H8 j8 G! H! C4 p) _0 c
Communications Branch
$ |/ |# D% s# K0 QCitizenship and Immigration Canada
( ~0 R) |  c. S1 z5 H( I613-952-1650
6 F0 E$ y2 h  U+ H# X3 W+ i3 J3 oCIC-Media-Relations@cic.gc.ca2 O0 F2 }: b9 r+ U3 n2 v
: Q1 ~( z" A0 {, o1 {0 j5 Z& y
( t) G3 |0 I$ U& y9 }
0631 Restaurant and Food Service Managers
% i' r* Z  D$ a/ y0811 Primary Production Managers (Except Agriculture)
0 p1 n2 T2 b. F3 ?1122 Professional Occupations in Business Services to Management
; g/ d& j% F  `6 `1 P1233 Insurance Adjusters and Claims Examiners
9 r6 ^- }7 L  d3 O2121 Biologists and Related Scientists- ~- y* O" O! L: D
2151 Architects0 b: H- R. B* u( u- }
3111 Specialist Physicians' t' k  _# R0 p
3112 General Practitioners and Family Physicians$ V' b' A9 P/ {6 v' i+ \$ G
3113 Dentists
. Z1 Z% r) ]; c3131 Pharmacists4 d0 v( M& {( L0 Z
3142 Physiotherapists: G9 b% U, {& X  B$ e8 ~
3152 Registered Nurses& E: ~& V( \0 q# B0 n4 G# Y
3215 Medical Radiation Technologists: B$ V% n6 M! C
3222 Dental Hygienists & Dental Therapists
' K' Q: l. a3 U5 q( J6 k/ C& X3233 Licensed Practical Nurses % E0 W3 j) A6 Q2 x+ H
4151 Psychologists
' K- K" T3 m4 p4 T. D- a; `4152 Social Workers3 W2 W  `# P# \; S2 O& R: [2 I0 r2 Z
6241 Chefs
8 ?; H( |; K' k6242 Cooks
8 i8 e! g# ]" R  {  i7215 Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades) n- B1 o% u6 Q( u# O) G
7216 Contractors and Supervisors, Mechanic Trades
+ P7 ~: r; A1 R7 O& Y, M. l9 r5 R7241 Electricians (Except Industrial & Power System)7 ^1 q) r+ o4 n" n4 H
7242 Industrial Electricians9 n& g! V$ u  \* r& i) \
7251 Plumbers
( _" g8 d" ~8 M$ R3 V, r, v7 F+ p7265 Welders & Related Machine Operators
- C! i' O, T0 X& `. K& @7 Z7312 Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics9 d9 r! d9 P1 b% j6 j  h
7371 Crane Operators
7 q5 Y5 G: k) `7372 Drillers & Blasters - Surface Mining, Quarrying & Construction # R! E. |) u, \8 h) v3 s2 E0 v
8222 Supervisors, Oil and Gas Drilling and Service ' U; K$ d* w% `# |

) B7 o  D) [/ k# W( @; x4 [4 Thttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/dep ... 2010/2010-06-26.asp
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评论 9

阿周  游客  发表于 2010-6-26 23:36:16 | 显示全部楼层
, o# M1 q' q$ j$ y- f+ n+ C) [, b* {' q& P+ i3 U
* F0 E7 t" W# s* X9 L! `  S2、联邦技术移民名额限制,每年2万,每种职业1000个' i7 z9 G2 W; M) @: X
3、申请联邦技术移民和加拿大经验类移民需要和材料同时递交雅思成绩4 ?/ I- g* t# A) s1 R8 K8 y
梦想成就未来,态度决定人生 http://70075198.qzone.qq.com/

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阿周  游客  发表于 2010-6-26 23:37:22 | 显示全部楼层


0111 Financial Managers 财务经理
0213 Computer and Information Systems Managers 计算机信息系统经理
0311 Managers in Health Care 医疗主任
0631 餐饮经理Restaurant and Food Service Managers
0632 Accommodation Service Managers 酒店服务经理
0711 Construction Managers 建造经理
5 F$ w5 H8 D% \$ z6 B( I% q
0811 Primary Production Managers (Except Agriculture) 原产品管理人员(除农业)
1111 Financial Auditors and Accountants 财务审计与会计
*new( N5 p' x9 H5 l, Q" `. G( ^
1122 Professional Occupations in Business Services to Management 管理性商业服务专业性职业
*new+ b' ~# N# i4 P# X# n
1233 Insurance Adjusters and Claims Examiners 保险理赔估价和审核人员
2113 Geologists, Geochemists and Geophysicists 地理学家、地球物理学家
*new% u7 `  Q; {( e* w0 a6 r' ~8 L: m
2121 Biologists and Related Scientists 生物学家及与此相关的科学家
2143 Mining Engineers 矿物工程师
2144 Geological Engineers 地理工程师
2145 Petroleum Engineers 石油工程师
*new0 [$ ^- [; u: @# U& z4 Z
2151 Architects 建筑师
3111 专科医师Specialist Physicians
3112 普通医生,家庭医生General Practitioners and Family Physicians
*new- X/ x# u$ }+ q# X: h9 u
3113 Dentists 牙科医生
' G; M% F4 `. p% b8 b3131 Pharmacists 药剂师
3141 Audiologists and Sppeech Language Pathologists 听觉和语音语言病理学家
3142 物理治疗师Physiotherapists
3143 Occupational Therapists 职业治疗师
3151 Head Nurses and Supervisors 护士长和督导员
3152 注册护士Registered Nurses
3215 医疗放射技师Medical Radiation Technologists
/ B, Q; t. ^& Z% s* w; j) V+ r& r3222 Dental Hygienists & Dental Therapists牙科卫生学家牙科临床医学家
3233 执照护士Licensed Practical Nurses
4121 University Professors 大学教授
4131 College and Other Vocational Instructors 学院和其它职业学校教师
*new3 O. `- j: Z4 |
4151 Psychologists 心理学家
*new3 L* B3 p  S5 A* i0 x: I' A
4152 Social Workers 社会服务工
6241 大酒楼和高档餐馆的厨师Chefs
6242 一般的厨师和炊事人员Cooks
7213 Contractors and Supervisors, Pipefitting Trades 管道安装承包商和主管
7215 木工业承包商和主管 Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades
6 I' m- r  H/ a) D5 c1 Y7216 Contractors and Supervisors, Mechanic Trades 机械贸易承包人,监督人
7217 Contractors and Supervisors, Heavy Construction Equipment Crews 重型建造设备承包商和主管
7241 电工(不包括工业和电力系统)Electricians (Except Industrial & Power System)
7242 工业电工Industrial Electricians 7251 水管工Plumbers
7251 Plumbers 水管工
7252 Steamfitters, Pipefitters and Sprinkler System Installers 蒸汽管道工、管子工、喷淋系统安装工
7265 焊工和相关机器操作工Welders & Related Machine Operators
7312 重型机械设备技工Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics
7371 起重机操作员Crane Operators
7372 钻井和放炮员--表面采矿,采石和建设Drillers & Blasters Surface Mining, Quarrying & Construction
8221 Supervisors, Mining and Quarrying 采矿及采石业主管
8222 石油和天然气钻探和服务主管Supervisors, Oil and Gas Drilling and Service
9212 Supervisors, Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Processing and Utilities 石油、天然气、化学加工和设施主管
梦想成就未来,态度决定人生 http://70075198.qzone.qq.com/

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大哥华  曼省新人  发表于 2010-6-27 06:53:47 | 显示全部楼层

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jiahuayinxiang  曼省名人  发表于 2010-6-28 19:09:46 | 显示全部楼层

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tercel  曼省名人  发表于 2010-6-28 22:06:29 | 显示全部楼层

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nirvana  曼省名人  发表于 2010-6-29 01:56:15 | 显示全部楼层
不知道省提名 international student stream 也受这个影响呢

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阿周  游客  发表于 2010-6-29 10:00:50 | 显示全部楼层
梦想成就未来,态度决定人生 http://70075198.qzone.qq.com/

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大哥华  曼省新人  发表于 2010-6-30 09:38:56 | 显示全部楼层
曼省提名(MPNP)没有任何影响,省提名以后成为加拿大移民趋势,加拿大联邦技术移民会越来越严格,名额会有 ...
7 r& v4 M( F( o2 q- ]阿周 发表于 2010年6月29号 09:00
9 a6 \6 A3 O/ I+ ~" c& K3 q# a

: `+ {. P  G* x' _( G$ b8 t* v0 D8 N  e7 z5 e6 ?7 s* Y- b

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tercel  曼省名人  发表于 2010-7-1 00:51:39 | 显示全部楼层

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