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Let's talk about the weather~~ Updated on Mon. 02OCT06

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In this post, I will comment on the weather conditions each day ~~ Sounds boring? ``` Of course not ... Usually conversations start off with "The weather's nice today`````" ^^ ~~~ This post will provide you with conversation starters and various phrases that you can use to describe the weather.

Tues. Aug.29, 2006

It's such a nice day today. There isn't a cloud in the sky! It was a bit chilly in the morning, but it should warm up later on.

Wed. Aug.30, 2006
The weather's about the same as yesterday, although it's going to be very warm at noon, the temperature is supposed to go up to 26 degrees (celcius). I wore a sweater to work ... don't think i'll be going outside at lunch.. because I will probably get baked in that heat....

Thurs. Aug.31, 2006
Fall is almost upon us~~~ it has creeped up without anybody knowing... I have seen the first fallen leaves this year..... as i arrived at the Emergency front doors at the Health Science Centre... a triplet of 3 yellow leaves drifted ever so lightly towards the ground.... the instant that it landed.... my heart dropped to a speed of 30bps ... the warm weather, the relaxing atmosphere ... they'll be gone before you can even say goodbye ... ;.; ... school's going to start ... ... well... that's life i guess ... can't have fun all the time.... uh... yes... the weather ... It's nice ... similar to the past 2 days ... it's very warm at lunch still... i wonder how long that heat's going to last...

Fri. Sept.1, 2006
OMG it's so damn cold ~~~ my nose is runny .... I guess that's what I get for not wearing clothes that suit the weather... I decided to be brave today and take the bus to work ... I  REGRET IT~~~~ -.= it took me an hour and a half to get here... instead of the normal 35 minutes when I take the car ... Clouds are covering half of the sky ... -o- the wind is strong... and I wore a sleeveless top ......................................... Stupid.... hopefully it'll warm up in the afternoon ^^ ... Afterall, it IS friday... time to partyyyyy~~ ```````

Sat. Sun. & Mon. Sept.2,3,4 2006
The mornings are cold the the afternoons are scorching HOT.... nothing much to say...except that i'm dead tired....I wonder when it'll actually start getting cold ... those skirts and dresses have to be put away soon...I got a bunch of mosquito bites at the beach yesterday ...the worse thing is ... some of them are on my face... i have to try SO HARD not to scratch them... -.= ... don't want scabs or scars on my forehead!!! It looks like a nice day today....OMG ... it's going to get up to 28 at lunch ... i guess i'll wash the doggy today ~~~ ^^ last day that i'm taking care of her ... she's soo cute.... this is the last day of the long weekend...sure felt short....well... everyone ... enjoy today outside... not many days like this are left .... go go ... go to the park... go to the beach... look at the clouds in the clear, blue sky...

Tues. 5, 2006
It's PAINFUL.... the SCorcHing SUN!!!!! my back was burning ...from walking outside for like ..only 5 minutes.....Since school has started... i kind of wish that the weather could cool down ...a lot .... that way...the nice weather and sandy beaches won't be enticing us away from our obligations to school and work....I think i heard something like "this is a crisp morning" ...or ..."the weather is crisp" ... some years ago ....i believe it means ... it's very .... clear ... cool.... kind of gives one the idea of an early autumn morning ... don't use it though, without checking some other source, i'm not very sure if it's 100% correct ... but i do recollect hearing something like that ...

Wed. Thurs. Fri. 6,7,8, 2006
As everyone probably knows... school has started!!! the first 2 days were ok... mild mornings, hot afternoons...one can get by even when they are wearing a sleeveless top... but today... FRIDAY... oh my.... it's so damn / darn (you can choose which ever you want to see ... for those people with better manners than others... go read "darn" haha) ... COLD ... cold cold cold... fall / autumn is finally here... they say that it's going to warm up next week, but don't count on that ... my laboratory's having a BBQ today... in this weather ... i suppose it'll be ok... although it's still going to be a bit cold... but yummy food is always worth it, right? ^^

Mon. Sept 18, 2006
Holy.... -.= i really really really .... very much ... so desperately wanted to swear today. The weather is fricking horrible and i didn't wear enough clothes. i went to school today, wearing a sweater and a jacket, thinking, this must be more than enough....but NO ... it had to be so cold and windy... i had to stand in that terrible weather for half an hour with the blades of wind cutting into my cheeks....what's wrong with winterpeg? where's the nice, mild weather that has been promised to us with the coming of autumn? where's the pretty colours that seduce our senses, our eyes? did it jump from summer to winter in the blink of an eye? starting tommorow, i will be wearing a winter jacket.... every single day !!! i have been home for like 2 hours, and i still feel cold.... hopefully i'll dress more appropriately next time ...

Wed. Sept. 2, 2006
The weather's really nice today... although the morning's a bit cold, but i wore a sweater and a thick jacket ^^ ... It's nice and mild at lunch, with the warm sun shining on my body, i felt like taking a nap... BUT i didn't... i'll save the sleeping for tonight. There won't be many days like this left... so enjoy your time outdoors while you can... i wonder how many days it'll be before frost comes....oh yea, my grandparents planted some cantelopes in the backyard, they're ripe and we tasted some of them ... delicious...haha.... i like crunchy fruits ....like for apples and pears ....so the cantelope was a bit crunchy, just the way i like it ~~~ o yea

Mon. Oct. 2, 2006
It was extremely nice yesterday... It was 26C at around 4PM ... now THAT's rare... considering that snow will start to fall in about a month... I really enjoyed going outside and we just sat there... When then sun went down, the temperature dropped very quickly... but it was still an acceptable 13 at around midnight... I wonder how many days this warm streak will last. I am working ... in the freezing lab... as usual... boss called me in ... although I'm only supposed to work on Fridays... ai `````.... that's life... ^^ at  least i'll be able to go outside and enjoy the warmth in like ... 2 hours....

[ 本帖最后由 Kanina 于 10-2 15:04 编辑 ]
Q(^.^Q)    ♡§мإ Ŀε♡ Ŧăkз м3 ăώǻЎ

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蝴蝶的翅膀  曼省名人  发表于 2006-8-29 13:16:12 | 显示全部楼层
It is my first time to see the word chilly.
Will it be possible to let me know what\'s the difference between chilly and cold?
蝴蝶是花的灵魂, 回来寻找她的前身...

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Kanina  曼省名人  发表于 2006-8-29 13:41:01 | 显示全部楼层
chilly is less formal ``` and the feel should be a bit warmer than cold. To be cold means ... I don\'t know... you feel uncomfortable and would like to be in a warmer place... chilly, however, is just ... \"cool\"... you feel a bit of the cold, but it\'s not SO uncomfortable that you can\'t stand it ^^ ...
in other words, chilly is cool, not as low in temerature and formal-ness as cold
hope this helps...
Q(^.^Q)    ♡§мإ Ŀε♡ Ŧăkз м3 ăώǻЎ

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蝴蝶的翅膀  曼省名人  发表于 2006-9-1 00:33:23 | 显示全部楼层
That does help a lot.Very good explanation. Thank you for help.
Btw, I love the one on the August 31st. Your words are so beautiful~

[ 本帖最后由 蝴蝶的翅膀 于 2006-9-1 00:37 编辑 ]
蝴蝶是花的灵魂, 回来寻找她的前身...

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Kanina  曼省名人  发表于 2006-9-1 09:53:20 | 显示全部楼层
haha... thanks ... i\'m really happy that you come to read my posts ^^
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蝴蝶的翅膀  曼省名人  发表于 2006-9-1 14:21:12 | 显示全部楼层
Hey, girl, it\'s party time, hope you have funs~
I am really glad you keep working on this, because we really hardly learn this kind of daily English languages from academic university program.  Thank you for help.
蝴蝶是花的灵魂, 回来寻找她的前身...

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Kanina  曼省名人  发表于 2006-9-1 15:08:52 | 显示全部楼层
^^ not party time yet ~~ i get off work in an hour ````THEN it\'s time to have fun, hei hei ... if you have any questions regarding the english language...feel free to make a post and ask for my help... i\'ll do the best i can ^^

i\'ll probably have a drinking party with my friends... see... i\'m allergic to alcohol so i can\'t drink... but i have learned bartending and i\'ll make the drinks for them ^^ ... then ... i\'ll probably go to the beach or the park ... it depends on the weather ... so just relax for the few days that we have until busy season starts haha... my last day of regular work ends next tuesday... after that i\'ll only work ...1 day per week, so school replaces much of the work .....

[ 本帖最后由 Kanina 于 2006-9-1 15:27 编辑 ]
Q(^.^Q)    ♡§мإ Ŀε♡ Ŧăkз м3 ăώǻЎ

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蝴蝶的翅膀  曼省名人  发表于 2006-9-4 18:39:53 | 显示全部楼层
Haha, sounds like you have a very busy schedule and have a great time~

[ 本帖最后由 蝴蝶的翅膀 于 9-17 23:17 编辑 ]
蝴蝶是花的灵魂, 回来寻找她的前身...

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蝴蝶的翅膀  曼省名人  发表于 2006-9-17 23:18:27 | 显示全部楼层
So what courses do you take this term?
蝴蝶是花的灵魂, 回来寻找她的前身...

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Kanina  曼省名人  发表于 2006-9-18 13:48:33 | 显示全部楼层
i\'m taking .. intro to marketing... computer usage, stats 2... managerial accounting... as well as ... intro to communications... how about u?
Q(^.^Q)    ♡§мإ Ŀε♡ Ŧăkз м3 ăώǻЎ

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