If you have the Manitoba Health Card, why you should pay. Every legal resident of Manitoba has the Manitoba Health Card. The case you talked is different , the mom is not a Canadian resident.
A resident can be permanent or temporary. A temporary resident has the same MHC as the permanent. If you have a student visa, perhaps it is different ; I am not sure.
不是所有resident都有manitoba health card 的,留学生在加拿大也是resident但是就没有health cover。必须是permanent resident才有,拿work permit的也有。而且新移民的health care card 在移民三个月后才生效。“Manitoba Health spokeswoman Jackie Sul says new immigrants do not receive health cards until they\'re granted status by Citizenship and Immigration.”更不要说不是移民了。
lz现在只是省提名过了,联邦还没有过.如果生小孩的时候批下来自然皆大欢喜,如果没有就要自己掏腰包。lz能拿maternal leave,难道公司没有给你买商业医疗保险吗?